02. Museum History

The Pharmaceutical History Collection came to be at the Faculty of Pharmacy thanks to Andrija Mirković, the first professor of the history of pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Beyond his professional activities, he systematically collected pharmacy materials, tools, furniture, books, and other antiquities between the two World Wars, and...

  • The Pharmaceutical History Collection came to be at the Faculty of Pharmacy thanks to Andrija Mirković, the first professor of the history of pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Beyond his professional activities, he systematically collected pharmacy materials, tools, furniture, books, and other antiquities between the two World Wars, and then generously donated his substantial collection to the faculty
  • Within its founding act in 1962, the Faculty of Pharmacy established the Museum, which has been a part of the faculty ever since
  • In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Culture, it was decided that the Museum of the History of Pharmacy fulfills the necessary conditions to commence its operations as an institution for the protection of art and historical works, thus becoming a significant location on the map of Serbia’s museums.
