7. Before Spring

Sava Sumanovic left Paris forever in March 1930 and returned to Sid The untouched landscapes of Srem carried away his painter’s eye. Sumanovic himself explained his landscapes best: “It is the region that dictated my way of painting… that region and its light influenced me in such way that you...

  • Sava Sumanovic left Paris forever in March 1930 and returned to Sid
  • The untouched landscapes of Srem carried away his painter’s eye. Sumanovic himself explained his landscapes best: “It is the region that dictated my way of painting… that region and its light influenced me in such way that you will find I painted my paintings again in bright and clear tones, as they were at the 1928 exhibition in Belgrade, and which were the light of Srem transposed to the Parisian landscape, and now all that is only applied to this region, which is truly like that.”
