The Head Covers

Head covers marked the position of a woman in a traditional society and any change in that position was followed by a change in the appearance of the head cover According to the wedding customs of Serbs in Vojvodina, the bride received the head cover of a married woman on...

© G.Muzej Sombor

  • Head covers marked the position of a woman in a traditional society and any change in that position was followed by a change in the appearance of the head cover
  • According to the wedding customs of Serbs in Vojvodina, the bride received the head cover of a married woman on her wedding day
  • She would wear it during every public appearance on festive occasionswhen going to church, to a celebration, to a wedding, when visiting people, and on Sundays and holidays
  • Ubrađaj is a type of bridal head cover that consists of several defined elements