The Republic Square

The Republic Square is one of the central city squares. It used to be called Pozorišni Trg (“Theatre square”). The square as it is today was formed after the demolition of the Stambol Gate in 1866 and the construction of the National Theater building three years later. The Stambol Gate,...

(cc) Eric Cleves Kristensen/CC BY 2.0

  • The Republic Square is one of the central city squares. It used to be called Pozorišni Trg (“Theatre square”).
  • The square as it is today was formed after the demolition of the Stambol Gate in 1866 and the construction of the National Theater building three years later.
  • The Stambol Gate, built by the Austrians in the early 18th century, was the largest and most beautiful of all city gates at the time.
  • When the monument to Prince Mihailo was erected in 1882, the gradual urban formation of theSquare began.
    The building of the National Museum was erected in 1903.
  • “Palace Reunion”, built in 1931, is one of the most dominant buildings on the Square.