Welcome to Kovačica

Vojvodina is located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain. It represents the natural bridge between Central and Western Europe on one side, and the Balkan Peninsula and the Middle East on the other side. The municipality of Kovačica lies in the middle of a triangle created by three...

(cc) Ванилица/BY-SA 4.0

  • Vojvodina is located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain. It represents the natural bridge between Central and Western Europe on one side, and the Balkan Peninsula and the Middle East on the other side.
  • The municipality of Kovačica lies in the middle of a triangle created by three large cities – Belgrade, Novi Sad and Vršac.
  • Kovačica is a small town that makes only a tiny impression on the geographical map of the world. But on the map of naïve art, this small town is nothing less than a metropolis.
  • It got this place in the field of naive art thanks to its painters, who have been creating and exhibiting their works here since 1939.